Hi everyone!!! After a long break, I need to catch up. Today I would like to show you the gifts for my dear Mother, that I made for her a happy birthday and name. Once again, Happy Birthday Mom! For her birthday I made a picture to hang on the wall here it is:
Behind the picture I put the envelope with the wishes :)
A z okazji imienin zrobiłam kalendarz na 2013 rok, w którym zapisałam dobre myśli na każdy dzień.
Kalendarz zrobiłam na podstawie filmiku instruktażowego Marion Smith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS9QqMSQSR4.
And on the name I made the calendar in 2013, which I signed good thoughts for each day. Calendar done on the basis of instructional cutscene Marion Smith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS9QqMSQSR4.
Pozdrawiam z zaśnieżonego Olsztyna:)
Greetings from snowy Olsztyn:)
What a fabulous birthday present! Beautiful work...I am sure she shall treasure it always!